Graphic Design

‘Design is the silent ambassador of your brand’ - Paul Rand

How do we know if the coffee’s any good, whether the financial adviser knows what they’re doing, or if we can trust the tradie in our home? Sure, you might have read the reviews or heard from a friend, but often we’re making snap judgements about products and services, based on the visuals, without even realising.

Online and offline, design and branding is what represents your business to the world.

Graphic design is a hidden language being spoken to us every day and across every aspect of our lives.

– ‘Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.’ – Massimo Vignelli

– 94% of consumers leave a website with poor graphic design (Graphicszoo)

– 80% of small business owners think graphic design is very important or moderately important to the success of their business (Visually)

How do we know if the coffee’s any good, whether the financial adviser knows what they’re doing, or if we can trust the tradie in our home? Sure, you might have read the reviews or heard from a friend, but often we’re making snap judgements about products and services, based on the visuals, without even realising.

Online and offline, design and branding is what represents your business to the world.

Graphic design is a hidden language being spoken to us every day and across every aspect of our lives.

– ‘Styles come and go. Good design is a language, not a style.’ – Massimo Vignelli

– 94% of consumers leave a website with poor graphic design (Graphicszoo)

– 80% of small business owners think graphic design is very important or moderately important to the success of their business (Visually)